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15 Feb

A great post on the USN by NewYork about a Zirc DDC he purchased from us

"Just drove up to meet one of my best friends, Craig from Empire Outfitters who is a dealer nearby. He is a new ddc dealer and on the sticky as a Strider dealer. Fast growing as a known man of his word and for having excellent customer service.

He just got a new batch and I have to say Duane is knocking it out of the park. This batch is incredible. Seriously." - NewYork

Zirc presentation 
ti lock side 







Source - 


15 Feb

We love feedback! Here's a great comment from customer Nick Williams

Posted by Craig Nugent in Custom Knives, Customer Service, We Love what we do
"I just want to say that this company is very professional and care very much about their customers. I ordered a beer defender and it arrived today. I opened the box and I found the beer defender, a decal, a hand writen note personalized to me the customer and candy. In all the online ordering I have done over the years I never received this kind of treatment from a company. I will be recommending to everyone to buy from this great company. Thank you Empire Outfitters I will be ordering more items from you guys." - Nick Williams (source - Facebook)
15 Feb

Principles of Knife Carry by MDTS

MDTS Principles of Knife Carry: 
“Possession does not equal proficiency” – Clint Smith

Carry your knife, it's useless if you don’t have it when you need it.

Conceal your knife. A pocket clip provides those who are looking with information about you; you are armed, you are right/left handed and more. Do not export any more data to the public and people in your environment than is absolutely necessary.

Limit cover garments to one layer over concealed knife.

One of the few elements we have absolute control over in a fight is the equipment we bring to it. Invest in good knives that won’t close on fingers when pressure is exerted on blade vertically or laterally. Invest in good sheathing for fixed blades that allows easy concealment, fast access and the ability to re-sheath easily with one hand. 

The knife must be legal, reliable, serviceable, ready and accessible to both hands.

Carry more than one. A small "public" knife is recommended along with a defensive knife. 

The opening mechanism of a folding knife should be relatively simple; it may not always be you utilizing it (i.e. wife, son, daughter).

Sheaths should be rigid, secure, familiar and compatible to the carrier’s personal and environmental circumstances.

As a general rule, primary tools (tools you rely upon to protect your life i.e. a defensive edged weapon) should be carried at the hips forward. Secondary and tertiary gear carried hips rearward.

Situational awareness, environmental awareness, physical awareness and proper concealment are the primary means of weapon retention. 

For defensive purposes a knife is only as good as you are at accessing and deploying it.



-Chris Fry of MDTS http://www.mdtstraining.com